Thursday Club
Members of the Thursday Afternoon Club enjoy an afternoon of activities The Helpers
Members of the Thursday Afternoon Club enjoy an afternoon of activities The Helpers
Members attend the first meeting of “Come and Sing, Lenzie”. Why not come along and join us at our next meeting on Tuesday 15th November
Are you going to buy Christmas presents online this year? If you have not already done so, why not join up to “Easyfundraising” through the fundraising section of our website and at no cost to yourselves, raise some funds for Lenzie Old Parish Church. At present, we have 22 members who have raised almost £100 [...]
In preparation for a new inclusive singing group starting soon, a session will be led by staff from Altzeimer Scotland on Tuesday October 18th from 1.30pm till 3.00pm in the church hall. Please come along if this interests you
On Saturday 1 st October Lenzie Old Parish Church hosted a Welcoming Dinner and Social Evening. A warm welcome was extended to our new minister Rev Louise McClements and her family. The warmth of the welcome was evident by the large turnout of members and friends. What a great night it was! Alistair Aitchison’s welcome speech [...]
Report by Catriona Bradley In June of this year, 13 pupils and two teachers from Lenzie Academy travelled to the Mulanje region in the south of Malawi. Whilst we were there, we visited lots of community projects and met many new people. It was an incredible experience and one that we will never forget. On [...]