The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and you say, ‘Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and ‘sinners.’ But wisdom is proved right by all her children. Luke Ch7, v34-35.
When I look back at my childhood some of the fondest memories I have are associated with food- eating chips at Anstruther harbour, my granny taking me into Mathieson’s Tea room in Falkirk High Street to enjoy one of their famous vanilla slices and roast dinners on a Sunday with all the family together. The preparation and serving of food is an act of love and sharing food with others deepens friendship and fellowship and creates happy memories.
Jesus himself enjoyed eating food with his friends. In fact he enjoyed sharing meals with others so much that the religious leaders called him a ‘glutton’. But Jesus knew that eating with others was the very fabric of life and that there was something very ‘holy’ about breaking bread together.
So let us give thanks for those who make and serve delicious food for us to enjoy, whether at home, in the restaurant, café, school hall or takeaway. May we too like Jesus, enjoy the holiness of eating together, and sharing in God’s love and provision.