Cheque Presentation

Cheque Presentation

On 7th November, Kirkintilloch Male Voice Choir President David Calder  arranged a special Charity Concert in Lenzie Old Parish Church.. This concert raised the sum of £1610.40 for Operation Christmas Child. Besides the Male Voice Choir, the Concert also featured Lenzie Old Parish Church Choir, Auchinloch Bowling Club singers, A Capella quartet Con Quattro Voce and a reunion quartet from the Glasgow University Cecilian Society.

This year Operation Christmas Child are sending pre-packed boxes of gifts to children in Zambia,Belarus and Ukraine in time for Christmas.
In the picture David proudly presents Chris Thomson of Operation Christmas Child with a cheque for the proceeds of the concert. Also in the picture is Martin Hanson, Lenzie Old Parish Church Choir Convenor and Diana Burke, past president of Auchinloch Bowling Club, both of whom took part in the concert.
The presentation took place in the Kirkintilloch warehouse of Operation Christmas Child.
David Calder would like to thank all who contributed in any way toward the success of this special evening.
Any further enquiries you can call David on 0141 775 1150
Lenzie Old Parish Church Choir with Kirkintilloch Male Voice Choir in the Background

Lenzie Old Parish Church Choir with a small section of Kirkintilloch Male Voice Choir in the background