Alzheimer Scotland carried out an audit of our Church premises to recommend changes that would be required to make our Church a Dementia Friendly Church.

Following this audit the undernoted changes have been completed to our Church premises:

New signage which has blue lettering on a white background has been installed to identify doors and light switches.

Toilet seats have been changed from white to a blue colour

Lighting in the toilets has been changed to an automatic switch on and the lights will remain on for a period of ten minutes. This alteration will also prevent the toilet lights being left on overnight.

Safety chains have been installed at the entrance to the south garden and along the perimeter of the grass above the embankment.

Disabled access signage installed at the top of the stairs leading down to the rear hall door giving direction towards the main entrance to the Church driveway.

Soap dispensers in the toilets will be changed to a blue coloured container instead of white.

An invitation will  be made to Alzheimer Scotland to visit the Church to inspect the changes that we have made and identify any other alterations that are required.