
On Thursday 23rd June, Rev Louise J E McClements BD (Hons) was inducted as minister of Lenzie Old Parish Church. Louise who was previously minister  at Blackbraes and Shieldhill linked with Muiravonside (in the Presbytery of Falkirk) was welcomed into the church by Raymond Hall our senior elder. Presentations were made to Louise and her family along with Interim Moderator, Ian Taylor, Locum Minister Philip Wright and Rev Roy Tuton who helped out in the early stages of the vacancy. A good representation was made from her previous charge along with members from the Presbytery of Falkirk. Musical items were given by Lenzie Old Parish Church Choir and appraisals were given by close friend and prayer partner  Rev Monica MacDonald along with Rev Ian Black of the Presbytery of Falkirk.   Rev Dan Carmichael, minister of Lenzie Union Parish Church gave a welcome on behalf of the local churches

The Induction Service which was well attended was conducted by Moderator of the Presbytery of Glasgow, Rev Dr David I Sinclair and Rev Dr Daniel Frank Wallacewell  NCD preached the sermon.

The congregation of Lenzie Old wish Louise well in her ministry with us and are delighted to have her as our minister.