Prayer Diary Lenzie Old Parish Church
We ask God’s Blessing on the following days of March:-
1. | We pray today for our new member, Nicole. May she find a place in Lenzie Old and be blessed by the Holy Spirit as she worships with us. | |
2. | This day we pray for those we know and love who have mental health problems. May this be a day when they know God’s love. We give thanks for those who work in the community with families in their homes. | |
3. | On this “Daffodil Day”, we pray for the work of Marie Curie Cancer Care. We thank you for all the volunteers committed to the charity and pray that they will know God’s hand with them as they go out collecting in the streets. | |
4. | This is the first week of Fairtrade fortnight and we give thanks for thousands of Fairtrade products now available, thanks to the campaigning powers of consumers and campaigners. We think of the local Fairtrade committee and ask God’s blessings on all that they do. | |
5. | We pray this morning for all using Bible 2020. May our daily readings lead us to a deeper understanding of the Bible. | |
6. | Today is World Day of Prayer. We pray for the women of Zimbabwe, and the courageous and hardworking pioneers of World Day of Prayer Zimbabwe, who are teaching their communities to pray, love and forgive. | |
7. | This is the day of the Christian Aid Fair in Kirkintilloch. We pray for a successful day and ask for blessings on all those involved. The focus of the Fair is Climate Change and we think with compassion of the poor and the vulnerable who are threatened by the change in the climate. | |
8. | As we worship today in Lenzie Old, we remember those known personally, who are no longer able to attend morning services. May they know that they are still remembered and loved in their own church. | |
9. | Each day brings a blank page, upon which will be written joys or sorrows, hopes or fears. Whether today’s words bring good news or bad, are expected or not, may we know that the author of life is faithful and able to carry us through every chapter. | |
10. | We remember today the work of the Lodging House Mission. We thank God for all who attend, donate and work voluntarily to help those who no longer have a home of their own. | |
11. | Lenzie Old Board and Kirk session meet tonight. May we know God’s guiding hands in our discussions and decisions. | |
12. | Today we remember the work of Crossreach, the Church of Scotland’s outreach to those in need in our country, aiming to show the practical side of our Christian faith. We remember particularly today those working with prisoners and their families. May God bless them in this difficult work. | |
13. | We pray for those suffering from the Coronavirus and those who have lost relatives. We also pray for those caring for patients and for the scientists working hard to find a vaccine. | |
14. | As Glasgow prepares for the critical climate conference in November, we pray for those who are speakers, that they be guided in their preparations. | |
15. | As we worship today, we remember those who donate and arrange and deliver the flowers week by week and also look after the flower diary. We pray that those who receive them know that they come with loving thoughts and prayers from the members of Lenzie Old. | |
16. | Let us pray today for ourselves and others who are struggling with the discomfort and pain of advancing years. May we know that we have God’s love until the end of our days. | |
17. | Today is a meeting day for Come & Sing. We pray for all those we know who are living with dementia and for those on whose shoulders lie the responsibility of care. May God give them strength to carry on each day. | |
18. | We think of the young people who are members of Scripture union in local primary schools -Millersneuk, Lenzie Meadow, Lairdsland and Oxgangs. We thank God for the staff who lead the groups and pray that the young people may learn something of the love of God that enfolds them. | |
19. | We pray today for our country. May there be patience and understanding between our leaders, so that good governance may prevail at all times. | |
20. | Today is International day of Happiness. We thank God for our friends and families and the joys we share with them. | |
21. | As this weekend we celebrate our natural world with “International day of Forests” today and “World Water Day” tomorrow, we thank God for the wonderful world we live in and ask for guidance to protect it. | |
22. | Today is Mother’s Day. We thank God for the love shown to us by our Mothers. We remember them with love and thank God for their love, sacrifice, struggle and joy. | |
23. | A prayer for Monday morning “Lord Jesus, today is Your day, and I want Your will to be done. So, whatever happens, hold my hand and let’s face it together. Amen”. | |
24. | Our prayers today are for all the babies and young children who attend our Mother and Toddlers groups. May they and their parents feel the power of God’s love here in our church. | |
25. | We remember today the ACTS group in Kirkintilloch -Action of Churches Together in Scotland and pray that as we take part in Lent activities together, we will remember that what we all share is our love of God. | |
26. | As our Thursday group and Come & Sing visit Lenzie Academy for the “Spring Fling”, we give thanks for the staff in the school who have worked so hard to bring the young people and the seniors of Lenzie together. | |
27. | In our global prayer for today, we think of those tasked with remediation between countries. Give them patience and inspire them with the spirit of justice, truth and love. | |
28. | We thank God for our sound and picture team in Lenzie Old, who work each week to make the service accessible to all. | |
29. | On this, the first day of British Summer time, we praise God for our seasons, giving us the variety of weather necessary for our crops and our well-being. | |
30. | We pray for the work of “Medicins Sans Frontiere” which works around the world, giving aid, irrespective of race, religion, creed or political affiliation. | |
31. | As Glasgow Presbytery reviews the “Presbytery plan”, may they be led prayerfully towards just and fair decisions on our future here in Lenzie Old. |