The Hunt family are staying at their home in Cambodia although Ali has had some trips to the hospital. The government has not yet declared lockdown but the borders are closed with no flights in or out. Around 50% of the foreigners including many of their friends and teammates have repatriated some with only one day’s notice. The rich Cambodians are stockpiling but as most Cambodians live hand to mouth their are no empty market stalls or shop aisles. There are vans with megaphones driving around the streets making public service announcements. As white foreigners people scuttle away from the Hunts , covering their mouths, since a lot of the first cases of coronavirus came from Europe. Out of respect the family wear a mask to visit the markets. Most people don’t have running water in this the drought season so are unable to practice good hand hygiene . Please pray for the family at this very difficult time.
Prayer points
Praise God that the population in Cambodia are very young, which hopefully means less deaths from Covid 19
Praise God that Cambodia is receiving expertise from China.
Please pray for the families on Silk Island, for their protection from the virus and poverty.