Samaritan’s Purse: Operation Christmas Child. (OCC)


Through Operation Christmas Child, show God’s love in a tangible way to needy children around the world, and partner with local churches worldwide to share the good news of Jesus Christ. Each child receives a shoebox, filled with toys, as an unconditional gift of love, based on need, regardless of their background or religion.

We have a warehouse! It is in Twechar. Unit 24, Twechar Green, Barhill Lane, Twechar, East Dunbartonshire, G65 9QD. Not the same unit as last year, but three doors along from it. We are renting from Monday 23 Oct.- Friday 8 Dec. 2017.

Initially we will organise for the warehouse to be made ready for OCC., then have two induction and registration evenings on Tues. 31 Oct. and Thurs. 2 Nov. at 7.00pm for volunteers. Samaritan’s Purse has directed that all volunteers, regardless of past service, must be freshly registered and inducted, so that they are appraised of the up to date changes required in processing shoeboxes.

If unable to attend either of these nights, registration and inductions can be carried out at the warehouse once we are set up. We plan to begin processing shoeboxes from Monday 6 Nov.

Warehouse hours will be as follows: Mon. – Fri. 10.00am – 4.00pm; Tues. and Thurs. evenings from 7.00pm – 9.00pm.

If you would like to be a part of OCC, here is a reminder of the categories of ideas for gifts to put in a shoebox: boys /girls ages 2-4, 5-9, 10-14: something fun, something to love, something creative, something to keep clean, something to put on, something to learn with.

 Volunteers are needed for setting up the warehouse, assisting the van driver for collecting shoeboxes, processing shoeboxes at the warehouse, assisting with handling cash, cheques, barcodes, packing shoeboxes into cartons, loading the container and, at the appropriate time, loading the cartons onto lorries for further distribution.

We have all witnessed some of the horrific things that children around the world have had to experience in their lives. Operation Christmas Child is an opportunity to do something for them.

See Raymond Hall or Mary Calder, Lenzie Old Parish Church

Gavin Hercus

OCC Warehouse Manager

Samaritan’s Purse

Home tel. 0141 776 3873

Mobile: 07467 144277
